Saturday, February 15, 2020

Managing risk in construction project in developing countriess Ghana Essay

Managing risk in construction project in developing countriess Ghana - Essay Example t the major risks associated with the construction sector include risks logistical delays , political influences , extensive procedures for approval , improper construction designs , financial constraints , etc . To study the impact of these risks on the construction projects in Ghana , a quantitative survey has been conducted . The data collected by the quantitative questionnaire , has been statistically analysed . The statistical measure used for the analyses include mean , tally , histogram and pearson’s correlation . The software tools used in the research include Excel spread sheet for data representation and MINITAB for statistical analyses . Based on the results of the statistical analyses , the research has suggested a set of strategies for risk management in the construction projects in Ghana . I --------------------------------------- , wish to acknowledge the following personnel who gave their valuable assistance and guidance for me to complete this research work successfully . Without their cooperation , the development of this research and publication would have been difficult I -------- wish to dedicate this research work Based on the Risk Management in Construction projects in developing countries like Ghana , to my --------------- who had always been my ----------------- and I also dedicate this research work for the benefit of the people involved in the construction sector . The history of the construction industry dates back to many centuries , when human beings left the caves and started living in houses . The architectural and engineering aspects of the construction industry started emerging since the construction of the pyramids . Construction could be described as a process of building the infrastructure and involves a fleet of multi tasked activities . Any construction project includes the involvement of design engineers , architects , civil engineers , project mangers , etc . The successful completion of any

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Analysis - Essay Example Most Americans agree that fast food is unhealthy and has bad consequences but they still eat it daily because their lifestyle demands such practices. they do not recognize how much it affects them. The article starts with a good introduction that expresses its clear objectives and points of view way to reach the point and grasp grape the American Americans reader’s attention, which is â€Å"sport†, because Because most Americans love sports. The author’s technique is effective because of the inclusion of the subject on sport which and it could be the first thing to be noticed in the an article. After mentioning sport, the authors introduces the problem and explains it and separates it out in details, supporting and support each part of the problem with scientific researches. It is shown that researches can effectively perfectly warn the reader from the ill effects of cheap fast food. Moreover, Then it gives some examples to support the researches. Finally, the ar ticle provides solutions and encourages readers asking to take an action to solve the that issue wherein efforts are exerted either by form the government or from the people. Appealing to Logos, the article has a very convincing way to make the reader be easily drawn to agree with on the author side. It mentions how the problem of cheap fast food could make bad consequences. For example, water pollution is unacceptable an acceptable to people because it affects their health and could make them ill or at risk. It also mentions that food industries cause water pollution because of the practices in garbage disposals and cleaning. Therefore, the author argues that fast food industry is synonymous to water pollution and this makes the two conditions simply unacceptable. , and then it mentions food industry and how it turns to cause water pollution and that makes food industry has the same consequences of water pollution, what logically makes food industry an acceptable as much as water p ollution is. Furthermore, it mentions cancer which is probably one of the most dangerous dangerousness complaints of customers because as it is commonly known, cancer could cause deaths if not very expensive and long process of treatments. in the and for sure most people know the deadly effects of it, and then the The article also mentions hormones that are be injected to cattle and seeds in order to make them grow fast and meet the demands of fast food chains. However, the hormones have diverse effects on humans who partake of the treated animals and other food products. This practice is unacceptable as well because it is already a parallel to cancer. bulking up faster to make easy fast food, that Hormones have dicey consequences which transfer to fast food and that cause breast and prostate cancer, which make that fast food an acceptable and dangerous as cancer is. In addition, the article mentions how air pollution is caused during the process so that the author persuades readers not to support the fast food industry by buying their products. It also mentions how air pollution is another undesirable issue and persuades readers that how manures can pollute air with chemicals elements., which make manures that used to make cattle and seeds grow faster another dungarees issue and the same as air pollution.